A-CDM - Airport Collaborative Decision Making
On 20 Jan 2015 Venice became a fully implemented A-CDM airport following the connection to the Network Manager Operations Centre and the exchange of live data via DPI messaging
A-CDM is a joint project between ACI EUROPE, EUROCONTROL and Civil Air Navigation Services Organization (CANSO), conceived as an important enabler for improving operational efficiency, predictability and punctuality to the ATM network and airport stakeholders.
It is a concept aimed at improving air traffic flow at aerodromes, as airports are becoming the restricting bottleneck to the overall ATM system for the current volume of traffic and the further expected growth of demand in the aviation sector.
The main goal is to facilitate the aircraft turn-round process, enabling the best possible use of aerodrome infrastructures and resources to the benefit of all Partners.
This goal can be obtained with the involvement of all stakeholders working together and making decisions based on more accurate and higher quality information.
The use of aeronautical information, based on sharing data between all Partners, ensures a common view of ATM and airport environment at all levels.
Information Sharing is the “glue” that ties Partners together in their goal to efficiently coordinate airport activities.
Airport CDM is implemented in the airport environment through the introduction of processes which are realized through the following five Concept Elements:
- Milestones Approach (Turn-Round Process)
- Variable Taxi Time
- Collaborative Pre-Departure Sequence
- CDM in Adverse Conditions
- Collaborative Management of Flight Updates
Currently all the concepts are implemented in Venice Local A-CDM, included CDM in Adverse Conditions.
For more detailed information on Venice Local A-CDM feel free to contact a-cdm@veniceairport.it